Saturday, September 02, 2006

Where to HOST your Pix of product preview?

Hello world, on your right side is a sketch of Vlajko Stojiljkovic (1933-2002) - can find details and pix about him on google. sketch on A4 paper using 2B pencil. take about half an hour to render...not finish till now. my old artwork actually. :)

While browsing thru net looking for place to host pix for blog, i found a couple of photo host. just to share with you. there is a lot of other host out there. just search for it and all the list below i think is enuf to choose:

++ IMGSpot - : File size limit 650 KB;

++ImageShack - : File size limit 1024 KB;

++PhotoBucket - Limitations: 50 MB storage space; 2500 MB/month bandwidth; 512 KB file size limit;

++ImageVenue - Free large image hosting service. Limitations: File size limit 1.5 MB; Hosted images not accessed for one year will be deleted from their dedicated

++WebLogImages - is another image hosting service, specially designed for people who use blogs (such as Typepad, LiveJournal). The free account of this image hosting service allows 10 MB of storage space and a limit of 200 MB monthly bandwidth.

++TinyPic - Images greater than 250 KB are authomatically resized. Tinypic generates a very simple direct link (URL) for the uploaded picture like You may upload .jpg, .png, .gif and .bmp image

i luv to draw very much and i run 3 blog concurrently on different topic but still cant go far from drawing, skethcing related topic. i luv to draw. and whatever topic i post..still i attach my sketch! :) and also my english...i know my english always turn upside down..but as long as my message clearly understood...i still write..still sorry about my bad english!

31st August, 49th Malaysia 's Independence Day!

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Happy Merdeka Day! to all Malaysian's.

Cant update this blog since the last i update because i got problem with my pc! So to all internet user what i can say is becareful with what you do and where you go on the net!

Got stuck with SEO lately. try to promote mystudio69 throughout all channel that i can use. Hmmm...its not easy. but for me its ok as long as i am not fed up. I do really enjoy to see an increment of visitors to mystudio69. Good luck to me! Also bz set up a 'shopping cart' for studio69. i plan to sell my artwork directly to clients rather than depend on agents, artizans and - among others.

Also bz looking for my old artwork on the shelve. Sort out the good one to publish on mystudio69 under free hi res artwork for download! I think this is one way to promote mystudio69. Who didnt want to grab free stuff? Hope to finish my shopping cart and payment method by october. Instead of very bz at my office. as a designer, i am trying very hard to focus more on mystudio. Hope to quit my daily job..hope to concentrate 200% on this internet biz! so many hope..thats sometime make me hop! :)

link that very usefull to me :


good luck to me and to you! - sapa nak tulung kita kalau bukan kita sama-sama kita!